Only cold water stops tootache (necrotic pulp)


Only cold water stops tootache (necrotic pulp)

Only cold water stops tootache is a very common symptom of necrotic pulp it. I know the feeling it's when you have a crazy toothache and only sipping cold water stops the pai, the problem is pain comes back if you don't sip water.This happens when the nerve of your tooth dies and starts to decompose it produces gas that expands with heat and contracts when cold. So day and night you have to sip cold water to ease the pain. 

Now you just want some sleep and you want to do other stuff but you can't.

I have the solution to your problem. I know how to make the pain go away permanently =)

I know because this happened to me. 

This is what you do to ease the pain go inside your room preferably alone, take mefenamic acid 
(or whatever pain killer you have) wait 20 minutes for it to work, and then stop drinking cold water..see through the pain, I know it's crazy and feels like suicide but do it.. it's gonna be freaking painful at first, then crazy insane second excruciating second, and the third phase is well you just want to shoot yourself because of the pain but just stick to it...don't grab that glass of cold water....then.... good old boy relief you'll know it when you get there  because you'll feel great since your brain secreted so much serotonin to counter the pain.  After that do yourself a favor and not drink something cold for at least a couple of hours.

Then go see your dentist have it root canal or removed.

Thank me later your done and the pain gone. =)