HR Recruitment, what's it like?


I wasn't able to blog for more than two weeks now, and it really hurts me. Why?

Cause I really want to blog about something but I can't cause nothing is coming out of my mind exept work. Yes work, I've been working my @ss off the whole month of July. Why? Cause my job is a recuriter.

So what does an HR recruiter do, well I interview which can be fun especially, if you wanna screw with the candidate Lol, you get to talk with all sorts of people, deal with them get to use your college Psychology education for sure, it's fun but that's where the fun ends. Cause you'd have to endorse the candidate to your boss or to a client (a 3rd party company).

The problem is, ones a client demands that they want 8 people for the post by X date, and you can't provide, well you're pretty much F-0-C-K-E-D.  You're company will probably lose hundred's of thousands of dollars, if you can't provide. I usually interview around 15 people a day, and only one or two is able to get the job.

This is usually the job of a Recruiter, they interview and endorse them to a person of higher rank in the office. And if they don't qualify..well it means you didn't do a good job, if your hire went AWOL or stabbed an office mate, that's still on you, cause your the person who let that candidate inside the company.

So. If you think being a recruiter is easy it's not. It's actually protocol for us interviewers to smile and be polite during interview, BUT sometimes it can be hard cause were dead serious of who get's the job...cause at the end of the day, were the ones responsible in staffing vacant position.