Ask your doctor first before attempting any of these exercise
10.Sports-Sports requires a lot of energy and plenty of endurance; it also demands intense concentration, good hand and eye coordination and a moderate agility like football, basketball,volleyabll etc...
9.Aerobics- . The percentage of fit Americans had been in a downslide as the average man and woman had begun to live a sedentary lifestyle, depending on the advancements of technology after WWII. Many were desperate to shed their idle lifestyles, and the timing of Aerobics to hit the bookstores could not have been any better. There are a lot variations of Aerobics since it first started in the 1969 and gain popularity in the 80's.
8.Bike Exercise- Ok were going to combine the types of exercises including the stationary bike although not that popular. First and formost lets see the sales. Their are 130 million units sold annually in China alone. So bascially them Chinese do get a regular dose of exercise.. People who want to develop great muscle tone on their legs, back end and hips while trimming their waists and increasing their cardio vascular health should try biking. Biking regularly can significantly decrease a person’s risk for heart disease.Its fun if your not the type who likes to hit the road you can take up gym classes with cycling.
7.Jogging- Jogging has been around longer than you think. The Greeks invented jogging as a form of training and conditioning for their soldiers, later on athletes figured that running short distances actually increased their cardio and the rest was history.
The term jogging was not popularized until 1960's and 70's when pro athletes started calling "road work" as jogging. And the benifits are amazing, improved cardiovascular fitness, reduced blood pressure, reduced risk of heart complications, better mental fitness, better sleep..and lots more. On top of it all ITS FREE . =)
6.Weight lifting- Greeks invented weight lifitng. (Why am I not surprised?) and we still lift weights today. There are so many benifits of lifting weights (aside from looking hot). Like elevated mood, better balance and coordination, better blood pressure, better immune system etc..the list goes on. Although there is no data found on how popular weight lifting is. It is indeed popular. Check this out try looking at movies in the 40's, 60's, 70's,80's,90's and 2000's. You will see that the mens body increasinly became more buffed...nowadays with the help of media people are just getting into it, more and more (specially the men)
5.Plyometrics- I know your like plyo-what!? Well these work outs are the ones used by athletes (specially young ones) to improve explosivenes and fast movements. So why did we put it here, how popular is this exercise. Well its popular enough for all athletes in the world to use it. Yes you might not know but baskebtall players, football, boxers, volleyball players MMA fighters..etc all use plyometrics.
4.Swimming- Swimming is good for your lungs, heart and overall stregth. Have you noticed olympic swimmers torso? They are buffed at the same time lean. Swimming is a whole body workout it also works your muscles that you thought you never had. Well how popular is swimming? Not just as a form of exercise Hm.. my bet is you know the answer to that. So keep on swimming its good for you.
3.Walking- Wehew.. I never really thought we'd actually put this here. Walking nowadays is a form of exercise. I guess this is how lazy we humans became depending on technology all the time. Walkers have less incidence of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other killer diseases. They live longer and have better mental health . Experts have hailed walking as the perfect soft exercise-aerobically demanding yet easy on the joints, muscles and heart. To derive physical benefits from it, you need only walk slightly faster than your normal pace, though not so fast that you can’t carry on a conversation. Even people with back problems, people with weak joints and people who are overweight can safely walk for fitness.
2.Jump Ropes- You got to know this one, Jumping rope can burn up to 1000 calories per hour, making it one of the most efficient workouts possible. It tones muscles in the entire body, developing long, lean muscles in all major muscle groups, both upper and lower. Jumping rope optimizes cardiovascular conditioning and maximizes athletic skills by combining agility, coordination, timing,
Calisthenics. Besides its fun, inexpensive, portable and its great for kids.
1.Calisthenics- Calisthenics are a form of dynamic exercise consisting of a variety of simple, often rhythmical, movements, generally using minimal equipment or apparatus. They are intended to increase body strength and flexibility with movements such as bending, jumping, swinging, twisting or kicking, using only one's body weight for resistance. It works the chest muscles, deltoids, back, abs, forearm and abs. This must be the most popular workout out there come on. Everybody knows how to do push ups right.. or what they call in UK press ups.