China vs ASEAN; ASEAN United we stand

China vs ASEAN; ASEAN United we stand.

   ASEAN brothers Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam. We all have claim to the Spratly Islands and our government has led us to believe that it is ours, when in fact it is God's islands, it is his gift to us. Let us not fight over it, let is us be united by it. Let us share it, there is more than enough for everyone.

Vietnam, and aqua blue.

            If you take a good look at the map, it is actually beyond our boundary. It is beyond 200 knotical miles of our Exclusive Economic Zone, faced with this dilemma of claims let us not fight, let us share.
As shown in the picture above China pushes beyond it's boundaries, in 1989 Chinese ships killed Vietnamese sailors trying to protect their sovereignty. Time and time again, China has crossed our boundaries with their warships, bullying us smaller Asian countries with their Naval might.

         Someday there will be war and that day may come sooner than we think, there will be canons fired and missiles launched by China. And if we fight as independent states we all lose. That's for sure, even Vietnam's heavy preparations and newly acquired weapons unfortunately will not be enough. BUT IF WE FIGHT TOGETHER, we shall not fall easily, we can push them back!!! Together it is possible. We can win, but only together.  


    China does not have any right to the  Spratly Islands by international law and to the Sea they claim, it is ours, ASEAN. They say there ancestors fished in those waters, I say ALL OF OUR ANCESTORS FISHED THERE AS WELL.

  Taiwan, I would like to send you a message. You are not alone, your Asian brothers are here to help you.
 We mean no harm to China but please, respect our sovereignty or else. 

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